Set Top Box Manufacturer
Set Top Box Manufacturer
LRIPL is India’s leading set top box manufacturer. We are specialized in manufacturing cable set top box, Android box and free to air set top box with complete customization.
Modular approach is employed to set-top box manufacturing to assure high-quality & cost-effective solutions. LRIPL has top notch manufacturing facility in the industry with a capacity to manufacture 30,000 set top box per day. We are also the official partner of Doordarshan i.e DD, to manufacture free to air set top boxes in India.

USB Wi-Fi Supported
3G Supported
USB 2.0 Supported
5000 Channel
Memory -
Fully Compliant
with DVB-S -
Software Upgrade
Support Favorite Group
Support External IR
& Display -
You Tube, Yahoo
News, Weather -
Recording of Digital
TV & Radio -
Parental Control,
Tele-test, Subtitle -
Channel Sorting


Pcb Manufacturing & Assembly
LRIPL is one of most trusted companies in PCB Manufacturing and Assembly in India & delivers all job works satisfactorily. If you are looking for PCB manufacturing and assembly for your set top box, we can deliver the job for you.

Plastic injection Moulding
LRIPL provides excellent customized and standardize plastic casings for set top boxes. We have high tech plastic Injection-molding machines to make sophisticated & durable cabinets.

Product Assembly
LRIPL team works closely with the clients for product assembly application to ensure final product is according to needs and specification.

There are several QA procedures at every level of product manufacturing and each step is scrutinized by technical experts in order to maintain the highest degree of output.

Final Product
Technical expertise translates your concepts into final product & delivers the required job within the timeline decided. We make sure that all the products are as per the actual specs and don’t go out of the premises without passing all QA processes.
Why Us?
Yes, this question is predominantly on top of your thoughts and our 24/7 work flow and competence guarantees it. The fact that we're a leading EMS company in India, We've spent past 24 years building a formidable reputation for technical innovation, Manufacturing excellence and quality. Our round o' clock support, cost effective technology & quality assure the clients to choose us as their OEM/ODM Partner.
Make In India
One Stop Solution for all
electronics manufacturing -
29 Years of manufacturing
ISO 14001:2015 Certified
Quality based processes
Faster delivery